Second Grade Close Reading for Nerdy Birdy Tweets by Aaron Reynolds. Reading comprehension ideas with student response activities. Grammar, vocabulary, and a cute craft too!
Nerdy Birdy Tweets by Aaron Reynolds is a new favorite of mine! Nerdy Birdy discovers the world of Tweetster and quickly learn a good lesson about friendship. Take a look at the five-day lesson plan for 2nd grade in our Engaging Readers Unit for January.
Second Grade Close Reading Lessons: Nerdy Birdy Tweets
Problem and Solution
Dive into this story with your class on the first day! Read the book aloud or watch the video and have a discussion with your class. Talk about the problem that Nerdy Birdy had and how he solved the problem. Students can write their response on the student pages or in their reading notebook.
Story Retell
On day two, read the story aloud again. You can focus on vocabulary and sequencing the events in the story. This is a great whole-class activity to develop stronger comprehension skills. There are also printable retell strips in the unit that students can cut apart and use for independent work.
It is important for readers to infer so that they better understand what is happening in the book. Nerdy Birdy has 500 Tweetster friends in the story. Are they really his friends? This is a great opportunity for you, as the teacher, to model writing a response. Interactive writing is significant in the classroom because it shows students the expectation and guides them in developing and improving their own writing. Do you need some help with interactive writing? Watch the video below for support!
Making Text Connections
Nerdy Birdy hurt his friend’s feelings. Talk with your students about a time they hurt someone’s feelings and how they made the situation better.
“One time I hurt my friend’s feelings by saying things that she took the wrong way” This happens so often in 2nd grade. Some of them have such sensitive, little hearts!
The theme of a story is the moral, message, or lesson in the story. What did Nerdy Birdy learn? Create the anchor chart with your class and watch their ideas and writing unfold!
Sentence Study
Throughout the five-day lesson plan, review grammar and sentence structure with a sentence about the story.
End your week with a fun Nerdy Birdy craft because who doesn’t love a great hallway decoration? These are PRECIOUS!
More second-grade close reading lesson ideas can be found in Engaging Readers for 2nd Grade.
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