Pigeon books lesson ideas. Fun reading lesson ideas for kindergarten and first grade. Reading comprehension, responding to literature, and word work!
Kids absolutely LOVE these books by Mo Willems and so do I! Using books that kids love AND teaching reading comprehension strategies is a win for everyone! Check out some great lesson ideas for kindergarten and first grade using two of my favorites. All of the lesson plan printables can be found in Engaging Readers March Set Two.
Pigeon Books Lesson Ideas
The two books we used for our lesson plans are “Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late” and “The Pigeon Needs a Bath!”. Click below for a video of each book.
Pigeon Books: Making Connections
On day 1, you start with “Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late”. Throughout the book, Pigeon persuades the reader to stay up late because he is not tired. Students think of a time they’ve tried to persuade someone to them do something.
This little guy wanted something so he tried to persuade his mom. “I will persuade my mom to get me a AT-TE.” (Apparently, this is an AWESOME Lego toy/vehicle/thing?)
“I will persuade my mom to play Fort Nite” (Oh my… I’ve heard a lot about this, too!)
Students also work on making connections on day 3 after reading, “The Pigeon Needs a Bath”.
“I like to take a bath because I have fun.”
“I like baths because I can play with toys.”
Pigeon Books: Characters
Learning about and analyzing characters can be a hard skill in kindergarten and first grade. Discuss with students what we know about the pigeon from both books and talk about some character traits.
Trait: Funny “He wanted to have a hotdog party.”
Word Work
Did you know that all of our Engaging Readers K-1 units include word work for each book? Anchor charts, interaction cards, and a plan. You just get to teach it!
Our Engaging Readers unit that includes lesson plans for the pigeon books can be found by clicking, Reading Comprehension: Engaging Readers March Set Two No Prep!
How about some center activities and a STEM project, too? Click the picture for our Science, Math and More set.
Check out some other lesson plans for kindergarten and first grade: