Practice building sentences in kindergarten and 1st grade with this literacy center! Students use the color-coded sentence parts to build and create sentences.
Building Sentences in Kindergarten and First Grade
We teach basic sentence structure in kindergarten and first grade. In kindergarten, students are learning what a sentence is. Once they have a grasp of simple words, they are ready to begin constructing simple sentences. Sentence structure can be difficult for young learners to understand. However, with proper support, students can begin developing complete sentences. This fun literacy center is the perfect way for students to practice building sentences in kindergarten. Comparatively, this center works for first grade, too. Especially, at the beginning of the year! What a great way for students to review sentence structure.
Using the sentence-building mat and color-coded cards with sentence parts, students can be successful in building complete sentences.
Plus, there are different response sheets for the various levels of learners in your classroom. You may have sweeties that only complete 1 sentence during their literacy center and that is absolutely great for them!
You can also extend the learning with your first-grade students and even, end of year kindergarten kiddos. Have discussions and encourage students to identify the parts of speech within their sentences. They could highlight or circle the nouns, adjectives, or verbs in their sentences.
A good way to keep this center organized is to get colored photo boxes to keep the parts of the sentence separated.
You can find photo boxes at craft stores like Michaels and even sometimes, Walmart! And, of course, on Amazon!
There are two sets of these sentence-building cards. This blog post gave you a peek into set 2. Click here to check it out on TPT:
Check out a blog post all about the first set here: