Whenever a holiday approaches, students get extra excited. From Christmas to Valentine’s Day, students love being able to celebrate with classmates. Therefore, teachers put a lot of pressure on themselves to create the perfect celebration. However, there is not enough time in the school year to create day-long celebrations. Due to the number of standards to get through, teachers need to utilize every minute possible. However, there are ways to embed a holiday with a celebration! For instance, the Valentine Inference Lesson for Grades K-2 ensures students have holiday fun while working on content.
Making Inferences
Learning how to make inferences is a tricky skill for students to learn! However, it is a foundational skill, so it is imperative to practice this with students. When developing inference lessons for grades K-2, a central focus is teaching the equation clues + schema (thinking) = inferring. This means that students look for the information presented in the text. Then, they combine it with their background knowledge. As these two aspects come together, students make an inference about a particular topic or situation.
Valentine Inference Lesson for Grades K-2
One of the most exciting parts of Valentine’s Day involves picking out cards to hand out. From the different characters to funny pictures, children have so many options. However, students also love surprising each other with Valentine cards. Without realizing it, students use inference skills to see who their Valentine is.
Whether students have or have not experienced a secret valentine, this inference lesson will be fun! Ultimately, students have to discover who sent a secret Valentine. Therefore, they will become inference detectives! To do this, they will have collected clues and gathered up suspects. Then, students will go through the clues one by one. After each clue, they will remove suspects who do not fit the criteria. By the last clue, students will be down to one remaining suspect for who left Bear the secret Valentine!
Depending on the age, students may work on this activity as a class, in small groups, or as a whole class. For instance, the teacher may read each clue, and students work together to rule out suspects. Or, students may read the clues themselves to make it more challenging.
Additional Case Files
Students will love putting on their detective hats for the Valentine inference lesson for grades K-2. Thankfully, there are plenty of other inference detective lessons! For instance, The Missing Snowman’s Hat is perfect for winter. Students will narrow down suspects to find who stole the snowman’s hat. Furthermore, there are lessons on the case of the missing apples, cape, and pumpkin pie. There are so many options since inferences are tough. However, students will love every minute of these lessons!
Making inferences can be one of the most challenging skills students can master. However, the Valentine Inference Lesson for Grades K-2 will help students gain confidence in this skill! Students will love becoming detectives and solving the case.
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