Sneezy the Snowman Reading Unit for Kindergarten and First Grade is HERE! I fell in love with this adorable book a few years ago, so we decided to add it to our Reading Comprehension/Guiding Readers units!
Sneezy struggles with feeling cold, so he tries to warm himself up. The problem occurs when he continues to melt and has to be made brand new again!
Sneezy the Snowman: Cause and Effect
This book lends itself perfectly for studying cause and effect! We created retelling cards that students use to create a classroom cause and effect display. Then students use this anchor chart as a support to create their own version.
Sneezy the Snowman: Craft
As students are discussing the cause and effects of Sneezy’s quest for warmth, they will love using these two-sided snowman props! My class became very animated as they restated the details in the story! LOVE!
You can find all of the reading comprehension printables and crafts for this book by clicking HERE.
Sneezy the Snowman: Math and Literacy Activities
We also have a companion unit that offers centers that are differentiated! Here are two versions of an addition activity your students will enjoy.
We also have two levels of word work. This will allow you to meet the needs of all of your students.
There are also some math and literacy worksheets that are great for a quick print and play activity!
You can find all of the center activities and worksheets HERE.
Sneezy the Snowman: Science
Sneezy’s big problem in the story was he was cold. We decided we want to see the actual effects of insulation on cold. It was fun to hear the students hypothesize on what would happen if we wrapped our snowman up.
Students wrote their predictions. After some time, we checked on our snowmen and … Wha… wha.. wha…
You can find this science experiment with all of the response pages by clicking HERE.
We sure love combining reading with science and math whenever possible.
You may also be interested in reading a blog post about Tacky the Penguin!
There is a free unit over there for you!