Engaging math centers for you to easily target and differentiate math standards for your kindergarten students.
Math Centers for Kindergarten
Several kindergarten math standards focus on numbers to 100. Students, of course, need to know how to count and write numbers. They also need to be able to count on from a given number and represent numbers using math manipulatives. These digital and printable math centers can help you provide practice for students to master numeral-focused standards.
There are 29 center activities. You can easily provide targeted practice for your students. The center activities are filled with bright images to keep students engaged in learning.
Plus, the printable response activities are fun!
If you prefer no-prep centers, the digital math centers are perfect! Each digital center is available as a PowerPoint. You can either upload the PowerPoint to Google Drive or open the activity on a classroom computer.
Most of the centers include half-sheet response pages to save on paper! Additionally, I’ve included answer keys for each center. Just one more way to make things easier for you!
Kindergarten Math Standards
Here are the math standards that are covered in this great resource!
- Count to 100 by ones and tens.
- Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence instead of having to begin at one.
- Write numbers from 0 to 100. You will find a hundreds chart in the resource for additional support.
- When counting objects say the number names in standard order, with one-to-one correspondence.
- Understands the last number name said tells how many objects were counted.
- Understands each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one more.
- Given a number from 1 to 100, count out that many objects using ten frames and other organizers to keep track of the count.
You will love the variety of center activities that are available! It makes it so easy to differentiate within your classroom.
I love these number puzzles! Your students will too!
Small-Group Activities, too!
There are a few different counting mats that would be great activities for small-group instruction!
Click below to check out this collection of centers and activities:
Here are some other math activities for kindergarten!
- Math Centers to Practice Numbers to 30
- Interactive Digital Math Games
- Graphing Activities to use in Kindergarten Small Groups