Oh, my word, y’all! I am so excited to tell you about the great time I had in Atlanta last weekend. I feel like I’ve made some new lifelong friends. On Friday night I met Anna Brantley of Crazy for First, Erica Bohrer from Erica Bohrer’s First Grade and Cheryl Saoud of Primary Graffiti. Cheryl is the one who arranged this whole weekend meet up and I’m so happy that she did. We stayed up almost all night talking and we hit it off like we had known each other forever. Anna lives in Georgia like I do but Cheryl drove up from Florida and Erica flew all the way from New York! So sweet! I’d love to tell you all about Mr. T-Rex but one of my sweet friends would totally kill me so we will save that for another time (when she isn’t reading this)!
The next day, Cheryl arranged for Hope King from Second Grade Shenanigans, Ashley Nichols from The Polka Dot Patch, Jenaya Shaw from The Lesson Plan Diva, and Dana from 3rd Grade Gridiron to meet us at our hotel. Oh, my goodness. I did not want to stand or sit next to any of these people to get my picture taken. They are all so stinkin’ ADORABLE!
This is how I felt standing next to these cutie patooties!
And YES! I am the oldest in our group and the only one who is the “g-word
We rode together to The Cheesecake Factory in style!!
It is nice to stay at a hotel that has free limo service because I
am all kinds of cheap when it comes to that kind of stuff!
I have no idea what we are laughing at….
Mr. T-Rex maybe?
Limo fun!
We ate at the YUMMY Cheesecake factory. The cherry cheesecake was all kinds of delicious!
Erica, me, & Anna
Jenaya, Dana, Cheryl, & Hope
Anna and Ashley
Erica and Anna
Me and Erica
I just love these ladies and I enjoyed talking to them so much. I didn’t want the weekend to end. (But I think Hubby was ready for me to come home)
We will have to do this again soon, y’all!!
I can’t wait to meet more of my friends in Vegas this summer. Woo-hoo!!!