Whoo-wee! This week was CRAZY! Our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders were taking the CRCT test this week which meant no planning time and very little recess. I don’t drink but this week just about drove me to it!
I don’t know about you guys but I am ready for Summer vacation. We get out of school on May 25th so the countdown has begun. 🙂
Even though it was a crazy week we still had lots of fun learning all about insects.
We learned about butterflies and drew the life cycle of a butterfly in our Science journals.
We read, The Dancing Fly by Joy Cowley and wrote about the problem in our Literacy Journals.
These are our anchor charts where we recorded facts about each life cycle of the butterfly.
We will write about the Chrysalis and Butterfly next week.
These are our butterflies. They turned out so cute!
Praying Mantis bubble map.
Our Praying Mantises that we made. I love how they turned out.
My little entomologists are writing a book about insects.
Here are a few samples of their writing.
This one cracked me up. It says they shed their sin… can I get an Amen? 🙂
We started our writing unit on poems. In the beginning we write list poems and then we move on to other types of poem. Here’s a poem one of the sweeties wrote. It says,
New York
New York
We read, The Very Ugly Bug and did a character analysis.
They labeled the parts of the ugly buy using the vocabulary from the story.
The pink heart tells how the bug felt at the beginning of the story.
The other side of the heart tells how she felt at the end.
After discussing the story we decided that theme was, Just be yourself!
**If you purchased my insect unit you might want to go to your account and download and print the praying mantis and butterfly art directions page. I redid some of the measurements and directions so that they are easier to make. If you are interested in purchasing the insect unit click on the butterfly at the beginning of this post.
Here are a few free downloads for you. 🙂