Wouldn’t it be nice to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? While it is not actually possible, the excitement this would cause is coming alive in the classroom! However, many students are looking forward to building leprechaun catchers or pinching people not wearing green during St. Patrick’s Day. No matter what the excitement is over, it will be essential for teachers to create engaging St. Patrick’s Day Math and Literacy Activities. By doing this, student excitement for St. Patrick’s Day can translate into utilizing every possible instructional minute.
When is St. Patrick’s Day?
Saint Patrick’s Day occurs on Thursday, March 17th. Thus, now is the perfect time to prepare fun St. Patrick’s Day activities!
St. Patrick’s Day Math Activities
Secretly, teachers know some of the optimal learning days are when students do not realize they are actually learning. Many times, this takes place during fun events when students are distracted by the festivities. Thus, St. Patrick’s Day is the perfect time for teachers to add in tons of learning!
Luckily, there are so many math-based St. Patrick’s Day Activities! For instance, students will work on surveys and graphing over different topics. Additionally, they will work on sorting, adding, and patterns. Furthermore, there are activities included on number bonds. Honestly, this resource is packed with interactive activities to keep students learning during such St. Patrick’s Day.
St. Patrick’s Day Literacy Activities
Reading is such a challenging skill for students to learn. Learning so many letters, sounds, blends, and digraphs can be stressful. However, learning various skills helps create lifelong readers. Thankfully, there are tons of literacy-based St. Patrick’s Day Activities!
Since students are at all different reading levels, there are multiple options. For instance, there are emergent readers and shared reading books on various topics. Additionally, there are also activities to help students gain skills for these books, such as sound sorts and syllable help. Furthermore, there are pocket chart strips with picture cards and a poem. By using different types of readings, students will see how important this skill is during St. Patrick’s Day.
Similar to reading, writing is complex and tricky. However, students will write throughout their entire lives. Luckily, there are activities included to help students improve their writing skills. For instance, there is a pot of gold writing template and how-to templates. After writing, students can even share their St. Patrick’s Day writing.
Often, students are the most excited about creating something with their classmates. Thus, the St. Patrick’s Day Math and Literacy Activities includes fun crafts to reward students for their hard work.
St. Patrick’s Day is such a fun time for students. Best of all, they do not expect many gifts or candy. Instead, they look forward to wearing green and seeing fun decorations. Whether hanging up leprechaun pictures, rainbows, or shamrocks, students just look forward to celebrating with classmates. Thankfully, the St. Patrick’s Day Math and Literacy Activities help ensure that students celebrate and learn simultaneously! Fortunately, St. Patrick’s Day is the first of many springtime activities that we can pack with learning fun!
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