We are so excited about the feedback that we are getting about these units. We designed them around the same type of format as our Math Units and Writing Units and many teachers have told us that we've cut their planning time WAY down, that their kids are really mastering the standards and developing a love for reading and writing and we are beyond thrilled! That's what it's all about. We developed our Guiding Readers Units, Math Units and Writing Units with these goals in mind: We want to ... continue reading...
Search Results for: writing
Crickwing Reading Lesson Plans
Crickwing reading lesson plans for K-2! 5-day plan with engaging lessons to teach reading comprehension skills using this fun read aloud. Crickwing Reading Lesson Plans Crickwing by Janell Cannon is a fun story to read with your class, especially during an insect unit! A cockroach learns a lesson and becomes friends with some leaf-cutter ants in this sweet story. Our five-day plan for this story includes engaging, reading comprehension lessons about visualizing, problem and solution, ... continue reading...
Holidays Around the World Unit for Kindergarten and First Grade
Studying celebrations and different countries around the world is always fun with little learners in kindergarten and first grade. It is so neat to explore different cultures and beliefs in various countries. In fact, you can put together an entire holidays around the world unit to help your students learn more about holiday traditions in other countries.Learning About World HolidaysTeaching students about holiday traditions around the world is beneficial for several reasons:Planning a Holidays ... continue reading...
End of the Year Memory Book
Need a cute idea for an end of the year memory book? We made this super simple, cutie patootie Surfboard craftivity and writing project to display for our Pirates and Parents Open House. They turned out so stinkin' cute! The end of the year memory book is cute enough on its own but the surfboard makes it extra cute! close up of the cute toes cover page of the book This year I learned how to.... be a kid that is ... continue reading...
St. Patrick’s Day Math and Literacy Activities
Wouldn’t it be nice to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? While it is not actually possible, the excitement this would cause is coming alive in the classroom! However, many students are looking forward to building leprechaun catchers or pinching people not wearing green during St. Patrick's Day. No matter what the excitement is over, it will be essential for teachers to create engaging St. Patrick’s Day Math and Literacy Activities. By doing this, student excitement for St. ... continue reading...
A Fun Back-to-School Inferencing Activity
Are you looking for a fun and engaging activity for your back-to-school lesson plans? I have a great option! In fact, it’s an activity that helps students practice a challenging skill without realizing they’re hard at work. In this post, I’m going to share a fun back-to-school inferencing activity that is a great way to welcome your students to a new year of learning.The Importance of Practicing InferencesMaking inferences - “reading between the lines” - is drawing conclusions based on ... continue reading...
The Recess Queen Activities & Lesson Ideas
Interactive read alouds are a great way to incorporate extra literacy practice into the school day while keeping students on track and engaged. Books like The Recess Queen are perfect for interactive read alouds as the beginning of the school year. Keep reading for some of my favorite The Recess Queen activities that will help your students practice comprehension skills in an engaging way!Practicing Reading Comprehension with Read AloudsReading aloud to students is an important component of ... continue reading...
Tops and Bottoms Activities for Comprehension Practice
There are so many components of literacy instruction, it can feel daunting to fit it all into the school day! This is why I love to use readalouds as a springboard for literacy practice! Students are able to enjoy the story while developing important reading skills. In this post, I’m going to share engaging Tops and Bottoms activities that you can use for comprehension practice as you share this fun story with your class.The Importance of Comprehension ActivitiesIt’s so important to include ... continue reading...
St. Patrick’s Day Activities & Crafts
St. Patrick's Day activities for kindergarten and first grade. Cute craft ideas and fun math and literacy lessons to help you celebrate. St. Patrick's Day Activities St. Patrick's Day is such a fun holiday to celebrate in the classroom! Maybe you have a leprechaun who visits and leaves his tiny footprints and glitter all around. Or, perhaps your students build traps to catch a leprechaun. The excitement of the holiday is sure to make an engaging day of learning. Check out some ideas from ... continue reading...
Butterflies and vocabulary
I received a few comments on TPT this week about my units {the buyer stated that the Vocabulary was inappropriate for Kindergarten kids} and it made me start thinking about how different we all are as teachers. We have different philosophies about HOW and WHAT children should learn. Some of us are given teacher manuals and basal programs to teach from {my district doesn't use a reading program} and many of us are given a framework to use to guide us in our instruction. I believe that ... continue reading...
More zoo unit pictures
Here you'll find more zoo unit pictures. We made alligator pie and then used Interactive writing to create our How To chart. Our fun poem. This was written by a Canadian poet by the name of Dennis Lee. I'm told there are a few more verses to the poem...but this was just enough for us.. we love it! YUMMY! Alligator pie The kids wrote their own How To during Writer's Workshop Our alligators and nonfiction alligator writing. A close up of ... continue reading...
Catch That Cookie Lesson Ideas
Second Grade Reading Lessons for Catch That Cookie! This fun gingerbread version of the book provides an excellent and engaging close read and writing response activity for your 2nd-grade classroom. Fun craft too! Catch That Cookie by Hallie Durand is a great book about a boy who doesn't believe that gingerbread men can run away. Check out this fun book and second grade reading lessons found in Engaging Readers 2nd Grade. Second Grade Reading Lessons: Catch that Cookie Day 1 Start your ... continue reading...
Nerdy Birdy Tweets Close Reading
Second Grade Close Reading for Nerdy Birdy Tweets by Aaron Reynolds. Reading comprehension ideas with student response activities. Grammar, vocabulary, and a cute craft too! Nerdy Birdy Tweets by Aaron Reynolds is a new favorite of mine! Nerdy Birdy discovers the world of Tweetster and quickly learn a good lesson about friendship. Take a look at the five-day lesson plan for 2nd grade in our Engaging Readers Unit for January. Second Grade Close Reading Lessons: Nerdy Birdy Tweets Problem ... continue reading...
Duck for President | President’s Day Reading Lesson Ideas
Duck for President reading lessons for kindergarten and 1st grade! This is a great book for President's Day. Reading comprehension, responding to literature, and a fun craft! Duck for President | President's Day Reading Lesson Ideas I love reading this book in February for President's Day. Duck is quite a funny character as he works his way into becoming President. Here are some fun writing response and activity ideas that go along with this book! Problem/Solution In this story, Duck and ... continue reading...
American Symbols Activities and Resources for Kindergarten & First Grade
American symbols activities and resources. Informational texts, anchor charts, crafts, science experiments, emergent reader, math games, writing activities, and more! American Symbols Activities Teaching about American symbols can be lots of fun and students learn about important pieces of our history! These lesson ideas and resources are perfect for engaging students in the study of American symbols. Chit Chat Messages: American Symbols Chit chat messages are perfect for shared ... continue reading...
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