Hi friends, as many of you are starting the countdown to summer you are already starting to think about next year! I don’t think ANYONE works harder than a teacher. We never turn our teaching brain off! Deedee and I have received a lot of requests for more information about our Math units. So I thought I’d do a quick blog post to share how we structure the lessons and give you some free sample lessons so that you could check it out if you’re interested.
We are both big believers in the workshop model, so we developed these units with the workshop format in mind.
The first part of our lesson is the Fluency portion. This is a quick 5 minute math warm up, and it usually involves flash cards of some sort. We have a set of fluency cards in each unit, and we work on them until we reach our goal, which is, FLUENCY with Accuracy and Automaticity.
This is a picture of some of our fluency cards.
This is the portion where we teach a mini-lesson to introduce the new concepts that are being taught.
The mini-lesson usually lasts about 5-10 minutes, and it begins like this….
After we’ve modeled and taught them the new concept, we give the students an opportunity to try it out right there in front of us on the carpet. The students work in pairs as we walk around and listen in to check for understanding. This portion of the lesson lasts for about 10-15 minutes.
We keep the work mats and materials that they are going to be using in a Math Tool kit.
We make one for each PAIR of students.
This portion of the lesson gives the students an opportunity to independently practice what we’re working on. While the students are working independently we assist as needed. If we have a few students who are struggling with a skill we pull a group back to our table for additional practice.
This portion of the lesson usually lasts about 15 minutes.
This is the last portion of the lesson. In a workshop model, the share time is often left out. Which is sad to me, because I think it’s one of the most important parts!
When students can verbalize and tell each other what they’ve learned the learning sticks!
Giving them 5 minutes to regroup and share their learning is time well spent.
Click on the image below to download our curriculum map and a two day sample lesson plan and activities. The lessons are so easy to follow that you could even leave them for a sub.
Easy Peasy Planning Each and Every Day!!
We have included the curriculum map, standards correlations, binder organization files, and math tool kit ideas in this free download. Simply add your email to the box!