I’m getting ready for Vegas but I wanted to do a quick post to tell you all about an AMAZING book I just recently read. Seriously, I love books so much! I’d rather spend my money on books than food or shoes or clothes or chocolate (Okay, that’s going a little too far) but you get my drift.
Here’s my favorite book, How to Heal a Broken Wing.
I purchased How to Heal a Broken Wing last year and my class loved the beautiful story about a little bird who is lying on the sidewalk with a broken wing. Everyone is in such a hurry that they walk by without even noticing. Everyone that is, except a small boy. He takes the bird home and cares for it until it is ready to be set free. This is a beautiful story about love, hope, caring and giving of oneself to care for others. Last year I used part of this story for a lesson on zooming in on a small moment.
Okay, tag YOU’RE it! Find your favorite book and tell me about it!
P.S. This book is also included in our Engaging Readers units. You can see them by clicking HERE.