Last year I wrote this post about my goal to RUN in a 5K Color Run (click on the pick to read it)
I didn’t stick with my training schedule (epic fail) and I ended up walking the WHOLE thing. (boo, hiss)
Thankfully, I had some friends who walked it with me.
Hope and Cheryl put us all to shame. They ran WAY ahead of us!
Here we are at the end of the Color Run Walk. It was seriously so much fun!!!
This year a bunch of my friends and I have signed up to do the Neon Splash Dash in San Antonio,Texas in March. I am proclaiming that I am NOT going to wimp out! I am NOT going to walk! I am going to RUN! Y’all I am so out of shape it isn’t even funny. I usually drink at least 8 cans of coke a day and I do not exercise (New Year’s goal 2013 was a Bust!!).
So how am I going to accomplish this?
1) I am going to treat this treadmill like my BFF. I will actually visit with it each and every day and I will not call it ugly names… I will not call it ugly names…. I will TRY not to call it ugly names.
2. I can’t go cold turkey on Coke. Let’s be honest. I need a twelve step program. Seriously addicted.
My name is Deanna and I am a coke addict. But, I wrote myself a little motivational note and put it on the Coke box in my refrigerator. I also didn’t open it all the way so that if I’m reaching in I have to think about it for an extra second. I am proud to say that I am down to only two cokes a day. One when I first wake up (this is necessary for the well being of everyone in my house. I am a big GROUCH without my morning caffeine) and one in the evening.
3. Once again I downloaded the Couch to 5K app and I am determined that I am going to stick with it.
You can click on the pic below if you want to check it out. It is a free app and it starts you off slow.
A brisk 5 minute walk. Then you alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of running for a 30 minute workout. I am not gonna lie. I’m only on day 3 and it is killing me. But I know it will get easier the more I do it. Right? Please say yes!!!
It helps me to watch HGTV while I’m on the treadmill because time seems to go by a little faster.
4. I am going to eat healthier. I’ve already started pinning healthy recipes on Pinterest.
If y’all have any great recipes or resources (NO FISH… GAH!) I’d love it if you shared them!
Okay, friends! So that is my fitness goal for 2014. I am proclaiming right here that I am going to stick with it. If I come back here in 2015 and write this exact same post (ahem….see 2013…) y’all kick my butt!
So…. who is joining me in my quest for a Healthier 2014??