I’ve had a lot of questions about how I organize my Common Core Standards
and Essential Questions.
I display them on posters which are hot glued to ribbon. The standards are attached with velcro so that they are easy to change in and out. (Please excuse the bad picture above. The standards shown are from the 1st grade set. Notice that the clipart images match the standard and that the essential question clipart also matches. This helps the little ones who can’t read understand the standard by using the picture clue). THESE ARE AVAILABLE AS WE CAN AND I CAN STATEMENTS SO THAT YOU CAN CHOOSE WHICH ONES TO PRINT AND DISPLAY.
To store the standards I have them organized in a plastic container. The Standards and Questions are stored together so that I can easily grab the ones I need. I cut colored cardstock to separate them by strand. Click HERE to download the labels for free. I just glued them to the front of the cardstock.
Above you can see the label for the exact container I used. I bought it at Target and the standards fit perfectly.
Don’t have the posters? Click on the links below to read what others are saying about them.
They are available for Kindergarten and First Grade.
Click HERE for Kindergarten.
Click HERE for First Grade.
Essential Questions Posters.
Click HERE for Kindergarten.
Click Here for First Grade.
Also, I just wanted to let you know about my favorite book character, Mrs. Wishy Washy!
You can view her Facebook page HERE My kids love reading all about her adventures and there are lots of new stories out about her. Check them out! They are a must read for any K-1 classroom.