Arctic Animals Polar Bears and Walruses Lesson Plan Ideas for Kindergarten and First Grade!
We have always loved learning about polar bears and animals that live in the Arctic.
This graphic organizer is an oldie but a goodie!
And their learning transfers into their informational writing beautifully!
Here are a few throwback pics
Comparing and Contrasting Polar Bears & Walruses using a venn diagram.
EXCUSE the fact that it says, live in Antarctica! Mercy! I didn’t even realize I had made the mistake until a sweet person told me. Ya know how your brain just kicks into auto? As a class we read these together and we read, lives in the Arctic. (didn’t even notice the mistake). In fact, when we read it the kids immediately broke out in song, “The polar bear lives in the Arctic. He never gets cold in a storm….”
A close up of the Polar Bear glyphs! So stinkin’ cute if I do say so myself! 🙂
The resources above came from this unit. You can find it by clicking on the image or clicking HERE.
Note: The above unit will be updated this summer. 🙂
If you own it make sure you check back for all the new goodies!
Have a great day! Please feel free to share this image on Pinterest.